Half Dozen Long Stemmed Roses
Vendor: Somerset Gifts
Show someone close to you how much you love them with 6 long stemmed high quality Ecuadorian Roses. Having Roses delivered same day or next day speaks volumes to your...
Show someone close to you how much you love them with 6 long stemmed high quality Ecuadorian Roses. Having Roses delivered same day or next day speaks volumes to your care and devotion to that special someone. Want a cart written? Just tell us what to write...
Interesting Facts: Ecuadorian roses are of higher quality then those harvested in other countries. They are known for their bright colour, strong stems and longevity. These roses have been cultivated in Ecuador where the climate is most suitable for growth. They are grown at the base of Volcanoes where there is an abundance of sunlight and fertile soil for the flowers to prosper.