A Dozen Peachy Roses
Vendor: Somerset Gifts
These 12 elegant peach roses pop with color, are picked fresh the day before they're sold. Contrasted elegantly against a neatly wrapped Ti Leaf, these flowers are sure to bring a splash of color to their surroundings. This arrangement comes with a soaring wedged glass vase.
Interesting Facts: Roses are among North Americans favorite flowers, more roses are sold annually then any other flower. There are more then 15,000 types of roses with colors that range from red, yellow, pink, white, lilac, striped and mauve. More so then any other vegetable, fruit or flower, Rose hips contain the highest percentage of vitamin C. Arguably the most iconic flower, Roses symbolize love, companionship, and beauty.
Care: Water in the vase should be changed every day. This will reduce bacteria growth and encourage the flowers longevity. All dead or wilting leaves should be removed immediately; this prevents the decay of surrounding leaves. Keep roses out of direct sunlight, this will help preserve and slow down the leaves decay. Food for your flowers will be provided. Make sure to follow instructions accordingly.